Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bird Watching and the Colour Green

I used to think that birdwatching was a pastime enjoyed by...well....grannies and grampas; folks that just couldn't move fast enough to enjoy pursuits that involved any equipment sleeker and faster than say a comfy recliner and a pair of binoculars. I must have crossed that threshold into the blue-haired zone, because I can't tell you how much joy I get from the birds that come (have been lured) to my backyard. I have binoculars, bird books and even a wonderful book that plays each birdsong at the press of a button (from the allmighty Costco). All the feeders are strategically positioned so I can see the birds from any of the kitchen windows and the binos are on the window ledge or never more than a quick dash or rapid not-moving-too-fast-as-to-frighten-birds-away tiptoe across the room. While visiting friends with finch feeders, I was awed and immediately covetous of the dozens of beautiful little yellow and black finches that clustered on the long feeder tubes for seeds. They flitted down from trees in a the little bobbing way they have and landed perfectly, each one on its own perch at the feeder. I had to have one!

I bought three, filled them and waited, and waited ....and waited. No finches came. The feeders swung in the breeze, full of seed, devoid of finches...(play that weird ghost town sound clip from 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' here'). Days went by and then suddenly there was a flash of yellow out at the feeder. "Yippee..they're coming...they're here", I cried. Both children in full eye-rolling mode realize mother has finally lost it. In the days that followed, so many finches came that not only was I in fear of running out of money to keep the bloody feeders full of food, I was afraid there were so many finches that they could easily pick up my home and carry it off for ransom. Truly, they are a joy for me. They zip around the house from tree to tree playing and chasing each other and have overtaken the swallows for title of birds that have the most fun. The swallows must be in full nesting mode now as I'm not in so much danger of being thwacked in the side of the head by a dive-bomber every time I walk out to open the barn door. Other birds come too; robins and jays, cardinals, chickadees, sparrows, woodpeckers and to my great excitement, the elusive ruby throated grosbeak.

I admitted to my neighbour the other day, this fact that I am enjoying the birds far too much for someone of my age and she said "Next thing you'll be loving the colour green. Old people love the colour green you know". "Really", I replied, feeling a little sad, "on your way out, I'll show you the new throw cushions, candles and tea towels I got last week"...........all green!

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