Tuesday, April 5, 2011

These are a few of my favourite things...

Three Cupcakes
Cupcakes and roses and flowers, topiary and birds, gardens and hens..these are a new series of card designs I'm working on...along with a new horoscope line which I hope to have finished in time for he summer craft shows. I made cupcakes on the weekend with my daughter Emma, with little easter egg nests on the top. Cadbury eggs in a Flake-bar nest, most of which made it onto the cupcakes and not as a pre-baking snack. I forgot to take a photo to post..next time!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Is it Spring Yet.....now, now is it spring yet?...ok now....is it????!?!

Today the sun is shining and I think it will be above zero for most of the day, once the morning frost has melted. I dream of going out at night somewhere without shivering, sitting on the deck with my coffee in the morning, and perhaps even wearing SANDALS again! There are signs of crocuses coming up in the garden and the tips of tulips peeking out. The horses have rediscovered the joy of rolling in mud, dogs have proudly arrived home bearing assorted animal carcasses, fur skins and bones for us to admire, and the hens are in heaven digging up whatever they can in the garden and all around the barnyard...Happy Spring, I think it's here this time!